Balakrishnan, Sarah. “The Taviefe Massacre, 1888: Violence and Colonial Rule in British Ghana,” The South Atlantic Quarterly 124.1 (2025), 127-143.
Balakrishnan, Sarah. “Archives in Stone: Cemeteries, Burial and Urban Ownership in Late Colonial Ghana,” The Journal of Urban History (2024), 1-16.
Balakrishnan, Sarah. “Prison of the Womb: Gender, Incarceration and Capitalism on the Gold Coast of West Africa, c. 1500-1957,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 65.2 (2023), 296-320.
Winner of the 2024 Jane Burbank Prize for Global Legal History from the American Society for Legal History
Winner of the 2024 Walter D. Love Prize for British Studies from the North American Conference on British Studies
Winner of the 2024 Gender Article Prize from the Berkshires Conference of Women Historians
Runner-up for the 2024 Carol Gold Award from the Coordinating Council on Women’s History
Lateef, Husain and Sarah Balakrishnan. “Afrocentrism: A Perspective of Positive Development Among Black Youth,” Journal of Applied Youth Studies 6.3 (2023), 1-13.
Balakrishnan, Sarah. “Building the Ancestral Public: Cemeteries and the Necropolitics of Property in Colonial Ghana,” The Journal of Social History 55.2 (2022), 1-25.
Balakrishnan, Sarah. “The Jailhouse Divergence: Why Debtors’ Prisons Disappeared in 19th Century Europe and Flourished in West Africa,” Punishment & Society (2022), 1-17.
Balakrishnan, Sarah. “Imperial Policing and the Antinomies of Power in Early Colonial Ghana,” The International Journal of African Historical Studies 53.2 (2020), 173-192.
Balakrishnan, Sarah. “Of Debt and Bondage: From Slavery to Prisons in the Gold Coast (Ghana), c. 1807-1957,” The Journal of African History 61.1 (2020), 3-21.
Balakrishnan, Sarah. “Afrocentrism Revisited: Africa in the Philosophy of Black Nationalism,” Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society 22.1 (2020), 71-88.
Balakrishnan, Sarah. “The Afropolitan Idea: New Perspectives on Cosmopolitanism in African Studies,” History Compass 15.2 (2017).
Mbembe, Achille and Sarah Balakrishnan. “Pan-African Legacies, Afropolitan Futures,” Transition: An International Review 120.1 (2016), 28-37.
book chapters
Balakrishnan, Sarah. “Afropolitanism and the End of Black Nationalism,” The Routledge Handbook of Cosmopolitan Studies, ed. Gerard Delanty (New York: Routledge 2018): 575-585.
book reviews
Balakrishnan, Sarah. Review of Paul Glent Grant, Healing and Power in Ghana: Early Indigenous Expressions of Christianity, in African Studies Review (2022), 1-3.
Balakrishnan, Sarah. Review of Lisa A. Lindsay’s, Atlantic Bonds: A Nineteenth-Century Odyssey from America to Africa, in Connections: A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists (2020).